Responsible for defining the communication strategy for advertising and content campaigns of the six priority Perfumery brands (Kaiak, Luna, Humor, Natura Homem, Essencial and Casa de Perfumaria do Brasil), responding to the strategic objectives of the mission - creating a new global reference that considers local specificities. An authentic, proprietary, quality, sustainable perfumery with a Brazilian soul. I've also led the communications regarding the antiracist commitments of Natura as a company.
Of the campaigns managed by me, nine out of the ten measured in the post-view System 1 methodology obtained results above Natura and market standards, including the Natura Homem 2023 campaign, which marked the company's record in the evaluation system. I also led two nationally awarded campaigns during my time at the company: the “Campaign of the Year” category at the Potências Award in 2022, with Mano Brown, and “Content Actions” at the Professionals of the Year Award 2023 with “Todas as Flores”. Furthermore, two campaigns coordinated by me were selected to be presented at the UN Women meeting in NY in 2024, as examples of advertisements that challenge stereotypes.

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